Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Eastern European Adventure - Amazingness in Drinking

One of the added benefits of going to Eastern Europe, was being able to taste the delicious beer, wine, and coffee of that area of the world. For one thing, the beer was honestly very different from what we are used to - at times better than brew from Wisconsin (it's difficult for me to say that). Seriously though, Europeans know a little something about their beer. And we enjoyed drinking it. And the wine, well it was absolutely divine. The coffee in Berlin and throughout Slovenia was the best I have ever had too.

At a beer garden in Berlin.

Waiting for our train to Prague.

Hot wine served in the streets of Prague. It's a spiced, mulled red wine. 

We went on a beer tour of our own in Prague. Here's one we enjoyed quite a bit.

Budvar - not to be mistaken by the boring taste of a Budweiser in the states. 

Beet juice from a market in Prague.

Drinking more delicious Czech beer.

A white Zeleni Sauvignan from Kabaj Winery.

Coffee and milk. Perfect.

Some Hefeweizen in Berlin.

Coffee in Berlin.

Some wine to go for our train travels.

Cheers to delicious Czech beer.

See the rings left by the head? Men are supposed to drink their glass in five gulps, therefore leaving five rings; women are supposed to do it in seven. 

Union beer in Ljubljana. Each country had only two or three beers. Each one had a strong pilsner resemblance.

A great red for our travels.

Slivovice - a harsh plum brandy from the Czech Republic.

A list of the minerals and a jug to fill with water.

Cheers to drinking mineral-heavy water from the natural springs in Budapest. It smelled like sulfur and tasted a bit horrible, but we drank it anyway. It's suppose to be filled with vitamins and minerals and be very healthy for you. It'd good for digestion, or so claim the locals.

The pálinka, a traditional fruit brandy in Hungary, was okay. Thought I was drinking fire water.

Na zdraví!

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